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Car Rental Packages in Los Angeles


Avon Rent an offers car rental packages to suit the customer who relocates frequently due to job transfers as well as the tourist. One of the best car rental agencies it deals with a large variety of the latest car models ranging from luxury cars, convertible cars and exotic cars, trucks ,vans to all time favorites like the BMW, Mercedes, Chrysler 300, Toyota Corolla and Green car. Avon is a reliable car company offering the best of customer service. We make every effort to get you great cars that are reasonable and fit within your budget. In our car rental services we also offer you expert drivers who are well acquainted with the locations. They wear neat uniforms, are well mannered and carry with them cell phones so that they can be traced anytime. Avon also provides reasonable car rental reservations in the popular tourist places like Hollywood, Santa Monica and Beverly Hills.
With just one simple phone call, you can be in quality cars with little hassle. So contact us today!

Hollywood Corporate Headquarters , 7080 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90038, Tel: (323) 850-0826, Fax: (323) 467-4239
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Ad ID: 408044
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