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Brand new Nikon D90 Digital Camera..Canon EOS 7D Digital SLR Camera...iPhone 4G 32GB....iPad 2

Salam Alaikum

Ramadan Kareem Offer:
Buy 2units of iPhone 4G, get 1 Free

Brand new cameras for sale, they comes with full factory accessories the cameras also comes with 1 year international warranty.

May Almighty Allah be with you as you contact us. and grant you Ali-janah Filtri. (Insha Allah)

For more information Regarding Purchase,Kindly Contact our email us at
Skpe: kahndigital

NIKON CAMERAS......................
D90 Digital SLR Camera with Nikon AF-S DX 18-105mm lens $700
Nikon D3000 Digital SLR Camera with Nikon AF-S DX 18-55mm lens $400
Nikon D5000 Digital SLR Camera with Nikon AF-S DX 18-55mm lens $600
Nikon D300S Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) $900
Nikon D40 Digital SLR Camera with Nikon AF-S DX 18-55mm lens $360
Nikon D700 Digital SLR Camera with Nikon AF-S VR 24-120mm lens $1600
Nikon D3X Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) $5000
Nikon D3s Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) $3200
Nikon D200 Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) $650
Nikon Coolpix P6000 13.5 MP Digital Camera (Black) $350
Nikon D60 Digital SLR Camera with Nikon AF-S DX 18-55mm lens $450
Nikon D300 Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) $1200
Nikon Coolpix 5700 5 MP Digital Camera (Black) $460
Nikon D80 Digital SLR Camera with Nikon AF-S DX 18-135mm lens $650
Nikon Coolpix S4 6 MP Digital Camera $340
Nikon Coolpix P5000 10 MP Digital Camera $250
Nikon D70s Digital SLR Camera with Nikon AF-S DX 18-70mm lens $600
Nikon Coolpix 8400 8 MP Digital Camera $460
Nikon DigiScope 8.1 Photo Package 8.1 MP Digital Camera $450
Nikon Coolpix 8700 8 MP Digital Camera $450
Nikon D50 Digital SLR Camera with Nikon AF-S DX 18-55mm lens $1100
Nikon Coolpix 5000 5 MP Digital Camera (Black) $500
Nikon D40x Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) $500
Nikon Coolpix 8800 8 MP Digital Camera $750

CANON CAMERAS................
Canon PowerShot SX20 IS 12.1 MP Digital Camera (Black) $280
Canon EOS Rebel XS Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS $340
Canon EOS Rebel T1i Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS lens $600
Canon PowerShot S90 10 MP Digital Camera $280
Canon PowerShot G11 10 MP Digital Camera $340
Canon EOS 7D Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF 28-135mm IS lens $1400
Canon EOS 50D Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF 28-135mm IS lens $800
Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF 24-105mm IS lens $2600
Canon EOS Rebel XSi Digital SLR Camera (Body Only - Black) $400
Canon PowerShot SX1 IS 10 MP Digital Camera $ 430
Canon EOS Rebel T2i Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS lens $600
Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 14.1 MP Digital Camera (Black) $280
Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) $4000
Canon PowerShot G10 14.7 MP Digital Camera $300
Canon EOS 1D Mark IV Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) $3000
Canon PowerShot SX10 IS 10 MP Digital Camera $300
Canon PowerShot SD870 IS Digital ELPH 8 MP Digital Camera $430
Canon PowerShot G9 12.1 MP Digital Camera $400
Canon EOS Digital Rebel Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF-S 18-55mm $400
Canon EOS 20D Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF-S 18-55mm lens $980
Canon EOS 30D Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) $700
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT Digital SLR Camera (Body Only - Black) $350
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF-S 18 $650
Canon EOS 40D Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF 28-135mm IS lens $1000


Apple Ipad 2 Wi-Fi 64GB -------- $ 550
Apple iPad 2 Wi-Fi 32GB -------- $ 450
Apple iPad 2 Wi-Fi 16GB ---------$ 300

Apple iPhone 4G 32gb ......... $450USD
Apple iphone 4G 16gb ......... $300USD
Apple iphone 3GS 32GB ...... $250USD
Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB ......... $200USD

For more information Regarding Purchase,Kindly Contact our email us at
Skpe: kahndigital

May Almighty Allah be with you as you contact us. and grant you Ali-janah Filtri. (Insha Allah)

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  • Posted: 3524 days ago

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