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10 Months Blue & Gold Macaw w/ Cage

I'm selling my 10 month old male Blue & Gold. His name is Mela and is a very sweet bird. He talks says step up, hi, hi baby and he likes to bark like a dog. Does not bite and only squawks when hungry. I have a dna certificate showing he is a male and also has a bracelet on his ankle. Was checked at a avian vet in April and is in perfect health. The cage is in very good condition. Dimensions are 34" wide 24" deep 49" tall. It's a textured aqua green with no rust. There are six perches, rope perch, few toys, calcium stick and 4 food bowls (all food bowl doors work). Also comes with seed catchers for all 4 sides. I'm selling him because I'm getting a Bolivian Blue & Gold and don't have enough room for both birds.
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  • Location: Huntington, WV
  • Posted: 3589 days ago

Ad ID: 3217249
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