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100 sure Alaskan Malamute puppies,

100 sure Alaskan Malamute puppies,

100 sure Alaskan Malamute puppies,

home train male and female Alaskan Malamute puppies,Cute and Affectionate lovable Male and Female babies available and ready for their new homes.They are akc and vet and are very socialized with kids and other pets. they are 11 weeks old. they are potty/house trained comes along in their crates . they are portable tea cup and ready for new ,happy and pet loving home. They are " Puppies"they are very sweet and cute!We have a variety of sizes available, from the tiny to standard size.Puppies also come with the following papers;
# Health guarantee
# Vaccine record
# AKC registration papers
# Microchip Registration
# Pedigree
# Nutrition supplement
# Traveling Crate
Regards and waiting for your kind respond Contact us Via
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  • Location: Ellensburg, WA
  • Posted: 3386 days ago

Ad ID: 2334416
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