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$1 500.00

This is a seriously broke gelding! Prince Jr. is a son of PRINCE Badge and out of a daughter of Diamomd Royal King. If you want to pen and sort and appreciate a LOT of handle, here is your guy!

Prince Jr. can really turn around. He is quick on his feet, responsive, and VERY handy! This is a fun horse to ride for the individual who appreciates speed and all the buttons! Horses broke like this guy can do any number of things. Bred for cutting, this gelding knows cows and will make you proud penning & sorting. But this boy can certainly do more than that! Take him out on the trail. This is a using horse that you can take out and enjoy. If barrels, poles, and gymkhana in general interests you, Prince Jr. has all the speed and agility that you need to be competitive. A great game horse is, first and foremost, a very BROKE horse and this guy certainly qualifies!

He is sound and sane with no vices of any kind!
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  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Posted: 3441 days ago

Ad ID: 3263385
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