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Adopt African Grey Parrots Today

GREAT TALKERS !!!! Over 100 words, phrases, & sounds. Learns something new every 3-4 days. They are very tame and affectionate. Comes with very large cage (yes, they are spoiled :-), rolling T-stand, travel crate, heaps of toys, educational books & information sources. they have been trained to respond to everyday events so you will enjoy a lot of interaction with thei throughout the day; 'good morning' 'here we go' 'uh oh' when they drops something, 'scratch' 'step up' 'yummy' 'do you like it?' 'I love you' 'You know you love me'... they are very loved & secure, does not pluck or bite
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  • Location: Jacksonville, AR
  • Posted: 3376 days ago

Ad ID: 2802218
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