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Affectionate and admirable Shih Tzu for re-homing

Just 2 left to go Beautiful purebred male and female shih tzu puppies, neutered and up to date on everything, 12weeks old. they are such a gentle boy and girl , amazing with kids of all ages. Does well with other animals as well.
they are very good in the house when left alone, they wont chew or pee EVER!!!
or with them. We are only rehoming due to personal issues, nothing that has anything to do with them.
they would make a wonderful addition to a family, they is an inside dog but does enjoy being outside. Very loyal and affectionate. Although they are a gentle giant and would never harm a soul, they wont let anyone into the yard unless they say their name or if they know you.
please email back with some information about yourself and the life they would have if they chose you to be with forever!
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  • Location: Pottstown, PA
  • Posted: 3416 days ago

Ad ID: 2505933
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