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Affectionate and Lovely Siberian Husky Puppies

Affectionate and Lovely Siberian Husky Puppies

What a precious and petite little doll! Cassie is a beautiful and rare parti colored malamute. Her Mom and Dad are both stunning Parti colored malamute as well. Cassie's Mom and Dad are cherished pets. They have wonderful personalities and calm temperaments. Cassie is having a great time learning about her world. She loves to play with her siblings and chase her toys. She is very funny and very sweet. Cassie loves to be cuddled and held.She really likes to give kisses! She is a very smart little girl and is starting on her paper training. Don't miss out on this one of a kind baby girl! Make her yours today!
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  • Location: Oswego, IL
  • Posted: 3370 days ago

Ad ID: 2499541
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