Avoid scams by dealing locally! Always exchange items and money in person and Never pay in advance. More info

Apple ipad 2 , Apple iPhone 4 , Blackberry touch 9800 , Nikon D700


We have prices on a regular basis to verify all the world’s leading Web sites in the competition to ensure you get the low prices on all our goods.
If you found the best price for the item at another store, before the system, contact us at to go to match the price.

contact mail :
Skype: paulo.cardetti

Below is our Price List:
Apple Iphone 3G 16GB (Unlocked)===$300usd

Apple Iphone 3G S 32GB (Unlocked)=====$350usd

Apple Iphone 3G 8GB (Unlocked)===$220usd

Apple Iphone 3G 4GB (Unlocked)===$230usd

Apple iPhone 4GB (Unlocked)===$180usd

Apple iPhone 8GB (Unlocked)===$250usd

Apple iPhone 16GB (Unlocked)===$300usd

Apple iPhone Gold 24K 16GB unlocked===$400usd

Apple iTouch 32gb (Unlocked)===$200usd

Apple iphone 4 32gb(unlocked)====$450usd

Apple ipad 2 64GB with Wi Fi====== 700usd

Apple ipad Tablet 64GB 3G Unlocked====== 900usd

Blackberry touch 9800 ( Unlocked ) ====$ 400 usd

Blackberry Bold 2 9700 ( Unlocked )-===$ 320 usd

Apple iMac ( Original ) ==== $ 750 usd

Nikon D90 ( Original ) === $ 700 usd

Nikon D700 ( Original ) === $ 810 usds

To place an order, simply get back to us with your
full shipping information such as:

Shipping Address:……..
Telephone number:……..

Please contact us for more information and purchase inquiries.

Thank you

Skype: paulo.cardetti
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  • Location: Iowa City, IA
  • Posted: 3552 days ago

Ad ID: 48622
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