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Below is our Price List
Apple Iphone 3G 16GB (Unlocked)===$180usd
Apple Iphone 3G S 32GB (Unlocked)=====$200usd
Apple Iphone 3G 8GB (Unlocked)===$160usd
Apple Iphone 3G 4GB (Unlocked)===$150usd
Apple iPhone 4GB (Unlocked)===$100usd
Apple iPhone 8GB (Unlocked)===$150usd
Apple iPhone 16GB (Unlocked)===$200usd
Apple iPhone Gold 24K 16GB unlocked===$300usd
Apple iTouch 32gb (Unlocked)===$100usd
Apple iphone 4g(unlocked)====$350usd
Apple ipad 64GB with Wi Fi====== 500usd
Apple ipad Tablet 64GB 3G Unlocked====== 700usd
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