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Apple iPhone 5 (Latest Model)

A slim and stylish design makes the Apple iPhone 5 smartphone lightweight and easy-to-carry around. The Apple iPhone 5 runs on the iOS 6 software which offers phone applications such as FaceTime, Safari, and Siri. Applications run faster and games load quickly as this black and slate Apple iPhone is powered by an A6 chip. An 8 MP iSight camera allows you to take crisper videos and self-portraits. Boredom is never an option with the Apple iPhone 5, as it gives direct access to iTunes, so you can listen to your favorite tracks anytime. And a 4-inch retina display with 326 pixels per inch on this Apple iPhone makes the text easier to read and movies more fun to watch. What’s more, this 16 GB smartphone, available factory unlocked, supports Wi-Fi connectivity, so you can browse the Web, stream videos, shop online, and chat with friends from wherever you are.
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  • Posted: 3494 days ago

Ad ID: 3227046
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