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appliance repair coffee makers, toasters, vaccum cleaners and more

919-772-1463 if you drop off at 1101 Roffler st ,Garner, NC 27529 it will not cause anything weekends you can drop off from 10am to 9pm on week days from 6pm to 9pm there is a service charge call for I can pick up for extra $15.00 only pick up walk behind mowers e.t.c you will have to drop off riding mowers

call my cell phone 919-986-0793 I repair dryers washers dishwasher ovens and more call today I do not charge a service free I will look at and give you a price I fix Dyers,washers and more
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  • Location: Garner, NC
  • Posted: 3493 days ago

Ad ID: 2004564
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