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Backtrack & Kali Linux Training
0x001 – Introduction of Backtrack and Kali Linux
•?Flavor of Backtrack
•?Installation Backtrack and Kali Linux by DVD
•?Installation Backtrack and Kali Linux by Pen Drive, USB, Flash disk
•?Login Backtrack
Information Gathering
•?Web server scanning with nmap
•?Web application analysis
Vulnerability Assessment
•?Web vulnerability Scanners with
? Nikto
? Wpscan
? Jomscan
? W3af
? Fimap
? XSSer
Web Attack
•?Basic SQL Injections
•?SQL Injections with SQLMap
•?Basic LFI Exploitations
•?LFI Exploitations with fimap.
•?Web server attack with exploit
•?XSS Manual Exploitations
•?XSS Attack with XSSER.
•?Hacking test
Password Attack
•?Online password Attack with Hydra
•?Offline password Attack with JTR
0x006 - Maintaining Access
•?PHP Shell (Linux & Windows
•?Telnet Backdoor (Linux & Windows
•?Weevely Backdooring
• Wi-Fi Cracking & Testing
Requirement: Graduation in any disciplines and Only Internet Basic Knowledge Not require any Languages knowledge
NOTE: 5 hour Per Day Fully Practical training on Server and Hardcore LAB, ONE MONTH COURSE
Contact: Samir S.: 8154003013, Email ID: it1@aldiablos.com
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