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Beautiful Walpen Chihuahuas puppies


Beautiful Walpen Chihuahuas puppies

We deliver beautiful Chihuahua puppies! For our children, we are still looking for Chihuahua dogs suitable new parents who are responsible for a 4-legged companions are well aware. The puppies are wormed and vaccinated more than once. There are 2 females and 1 rude.
The puppies are just 10 weeks old, the puppies of the final weight is approximately 1,200 grams to 1,400 grams.
We accompany you up to 6 months with the dogs who you have no experience ..

Growing up, they are in the midst of the family, they know kids, cats, other dogs, and all the sounds that a normal family life brings with it such as Vacuum cleaner, TV, children playing, etc.

If you have serious interest in one of our puppies, we would love to hear from you
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  • Location: Bella Vista, AR
  • Posted: 3384 days ago

Ad ID: 2715467
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