Avoid scams by dealing locally! Always exchange items and money in person and Never pay in advance. More info

BlackBerry BOLD-2 9700,Google Nexus One@$300,iPhone 3GS 32GB,HTC HD mini,XPERIA X10 mini pro@$350


All of our products are 100% guaranteed genuine and high quality. Samples of any product we carry may be viewed and/or purchased at our store. Every product we carry comes with a warranty against defects. If you are interested in purchasing in volume, contact us directly for a formal quote. If you would like to purchase a sample, please find the product you're looking for as well as many others by searching our product list. we will ship to anywhere in the world. Please feel free to contact us for any orders or inquiries.


List of some of our products:

BlackBerry phones

* BlackBerry Bold 9700 $280
* BlackBerry Storm2 9520 $230
* BlackBerry Storm2 9550 $240
* BlackBerry Curve 8520 $230
* BlackBerry Tour 9630 $210

Apple iphones

* Apple iPhone 3G S 32GB $300
* Apple iPhone 3G S 16GB $270
* Apple iPhone 3G 16GB $200
* Apple iPhone 3G 8GB $160

Nokia phones

* Nokia C5 $270
* Nokia N900 $250
* Nokia N97 mini $220
* Nokia X6 16GB $200
* Nokia X3 $195

HTC phones

* HTC Google Nexus One $280
* HTC HD2 $270
* HTC Touch2 $200
* HTC HD mini $370
* HTC Desire $350
* HTC Legend $340

Samsung phones

* Samsung S8500 Wave $270
* Samsung I8520 Beam $250
* Samsung I9000 Galaxy S $300
* Samsung Samsung I6500U $260
* Samsung S3370 $230
* Samsung Metro TV $200
* Samsung Corby TV $230
* Samsung S3650W Corby $200

Sony Ericsson phones

* Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 mini pro $300
* Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 mini $270
* Sony Ericsson XPERIA X2 $200
* Sony Ericsson Satio (Idou) $220
* Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 $200
* Sony Ericsson Vivaz pro $260

Video games console

* Sony PlayStation 3 180GB $170
* Sony PlayStation 3 160GB $155
* Sony PlayStation 3 120GB $145
* Xbox 360 Arcade Console $115
* Xbox 360 Pro 60GB Console $145
* Xbox 360 Elite 120GB Console $165
* Nintendo Wii Console $125

To enable us to do the hassle for you about your order while you relax and await delivery at your doorstep, please supply your order at email : ( this will speed up the reply. Alternatively, you can give us a call for immediate follow up of your order. Convert the prices of our product to your local rate at ( or other currency exchange of your choice.

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