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Blue Hyacinth Macows males and females for Adoption
The Hyacinth macaw is the most majestic of all parrots.
Although the Hyacinth Macaw and Green Wing Macaw are both
commonly referred to as the Gentle Giant of the macaw
species, the Hyacinths are truly the dream bird Hyacinth
Macawof all bird lovers. The Hyacinth macaw can attain
the total length of up to 42 inches and have a beak
pressure that can easily disassemble a welded wrought
iron cage bar by bar in a very short time. In spite of
their tremendous strength, this is one of the most laid
back and easy-going of all of the macaws.
Respond to this ad- Location: Moscow, ID
- Posted: 3395 days ago
Ad ID: 2983842
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