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Bolivian Blue & Gold Macaw

This Macaw likes both men and women. Likes to just hang around and is very playful and plays with all kinds of toys and stuff, he will make you laugh. he can be cage aggressive but once on top of the cage or door then he will step up with no problem and can be held and petted and stuff away from the cage. Likes to watch TV and steal your food from your mouth. He talks real good and don't swear: says hello, what and more. Eats a wide type of food like veggie's, fruit, seeds and pellets. He is about 7ish years old and is in great feather and health. Bird only for $900 or with a big white play top cage for $1100.
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  • Location: Athens, GA
  • Posted: 3553 days ago

Ad ID: 3217243
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