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Brand new for sale: Apple iPhone 4G 32GB/ Blackberry slide torch 9800/Apple iPad 2 4G 64GB.


We are the global reputable International company thatspecializes in Sales, Supply and Distribution of

brand New Phones and DigitalCameras for Highest Quality still at very affordable prices. The long-

termrelationship with clients is the first priority we have been concerned. We manageour business in the

most honest and trustworthy ways. We offer our clients with high quality products in reasonable prices

that make them get a promising profit and valuable business here in UNITED STATE.

iPhone 4G 32GB.......$550USD
iPhone 4G 16GB........$450USD
iPhone 3G-S 32GB ....$ 350USD
iPhone 3G-S 16 GB .....$ 300USD
8GB iPhone 3G .. ......$ 270USD
16GB iPhone 3G ........$ 280USD
Apple iPad 2 Wifi - 16GB .......$ 400
Apple iPad 2 Wifi - 64GB.........$ 600
Apple iPad 2 Wifi - 32GB.....$ 500
Apple iPad 2 Wifi + 3G - 16GB.........$ 700
Apple iPad 2 Wifi + 3G - 32GB........$ 800
Apple iPad 2 Wifi + 3G - 64GB ........$ 900

Nokia N97 ............ $ 300USD
Nokia X6............... $ 310 USD
Nokia N900 ............ $ 300USD
Nokia N96 ..............$ 250USD
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic..... . $ 270 USD
Nokia N95 [8GB] ... . ... 150USD
Nokia 5530 XpressMusic en $ 230USD
Nokia E71 ................ ........ $ 230USD
Nokia 5730 XpressMusic .....$ 220USD
Nokia E90 Commnuicator .... $ 250USD
Blackberry Slider Torch 9800.................$500USD
Blackberry Storm 9550 II ................ ...... $ 300USD
Blackberry Onix Bold 9700 II................. $300USD
Blackberry Curve ................ .... ...............$ 260
Blackberry Bold 9000 II................ .. ........$ 250USD
BlackBer r y 8830 ................ ....... .............$ 240USD
BlackBer r y Curve 8350i ............. ...........$ 240USD
Blackber r y Storm 9500 pantalla táctil .. $ 270USD

Contact Name:. Sir david white (Sales Rep)

Google talk:
Skype: electseller
Icq Number: 627221828

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  • Location: Clarksburg, WV
  • Posted: 3606 days ago

Ad ID: 33052
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