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Brand New SEG WAY Personal Transporter (PT) x2 Golf

$1 800.00





Product Features
Personal Transporter
Max Speed: 12.5 mph
Max Range: 24 mi
Weight: 120 lb
Saphion lithium-ion batteries

Product Description
With the x2, you can chart your own course. Its innovative design moves you over a variety of terrain, be it the grass in your backyard or the gravel and dirt in your favorite off road spot. Deeply treaded tires, scratch resistant fenders and higher ground clearance give you a smooth, stable ride, and the durability you've come to expect from Segway. And with the unmatched performance of Segway's LeanSteer technology, your body will anticipate and conquer the trail ahead.
Important Information

Seller Warranty Description
warranty is 1 year from date of purchase guaranteed to be free from defects, delivered as promised . Once bought the item can only be returned for shipping damage. Once delivered there is a 30% restocking fee if any miles are on the keys.


SEG WAY I2 with Segseat Seat Newest Generation Custom

Product Description
new segway i2 with segseat


SEG WAY i2 Personal Transporter

Product Features
High gloss white finish, comes equipped with a wireless infokey controller, lithium-ion batteries for an estimated range of 16-24 miles on a single charge, and Segway's patented Lean SteerTM technology.
The wireless controller allows you to set your speed settings up to a maximum of 12.5 mph, has a trip counter and a built in alarm feature for securing your i2 when it is not in use.
The Lean Steer technology allows the rider to simply lean the handlebar in the direction he/she wants to turn for a truly intuitive rider experience
Speed: Maximum 12.5 mph;Range: 16-24 miles
Payload: Total capacity (rider & cargo) 260 lbs., rider: 100-250 lbs.

Product Description

The Segway i2 Personal Transporter (PT) is a completely versatile and eco-friendly transportation alternative. The i2 model can take you places that a car or bicycle can't, including inside many stores, office buildings, businesses, airports, elevators and trains. Although they're ideal for short jaunts, Segway PTs can travel as far as 24 miles/38 km on a single battery charge, depending on terrain, payload and riding style. To move forward or backward on the Segway PT, the rider just leans slightly forward or backward. To turn left or right, the rider simply moves the LeanSteer frame left or right. The wireless infokey controller allows for custom speed settings up to 12.5 mph, a built-in theft alarm, trip counter and other display features. With the Segway i2 you get the sense of power and speed, yet you also feel a sense of safety and absolute control. It all feels natural, safe and instinctive. The Segway PT also has many benefits for you and the environment: less gas to buy, easier to park and less wear on your car. It can also help reduce the impact of global warming by reducing our greenhouse gas output and consumption of imported fossil fuels. A built-in charging device allows you to recharge your batteries into any standard electric outlet and only costs on average 12 cents a day to charge. Experience the thrill and ease of riding a Segway PT today and see for yourself why we call it the Segway smile.


SEG WAY Segseat Seat for I2 X2 Newest Generation Custom with Alarm

Product Description
made by segseat, this listing is a custom listing with johnsoncorp,. it includes a custom alarm . Use the seg seat with any 2nd generation i2 or x2 segway. We ship overseas also , great for disabled , for long rides , great for golf.


SEG WAY x2 Golf

Product Features
Segway x2 Golf
Golf-specific Segway personal transportation vehicle with turf-friendly tires
Allows you to travel on the grass and off the cart path for faster play
Golf bag carrier attachment allows for easy dismount and club access
Integrated scorecard holder with slots for scorecard, golf balls, and tees
Range of up to 14 miles or 36 holes; 21-by-33-inch footprint; weighs 120 pounds


Red SEG WAY I2 New with Custom Red Handle

Product Description
Custom Color Red Segway i2 , glossy Red., brand new with 0 miles , 12 months warranty, complete.


SEG WAY i2..$1700

SEG WAY i2 Transporter..$1800

SEG WAY Personal Transporter (PT) x2 Golf....$2000

Segway i2 commuter..$1400

Please do not hesitate to email me if interested




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  • Location: Garden City, NY
  • Posted: 3567 days ago

Ad ID: 1515505
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