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Buy Latest Apple iPad 2 version & Apple iPhon

They are all brand new with the complete accessories in original factory sealed box 100% original and comes with 12 months international warranty. .

( Store Promotional Sales Offer - Buy 2 Units And Get 1 Unit FREE )

Contact Us for more information by E-mail!!!

Mr: Shabir Ahmad Wani


SKYPE: gsm_market1

iPad 2 Model Prices

1. $499 – 16GB version Apple iPad 2
2. $599 – 32GB version Apple iPad 2
3. $699 – 64GB version Apple iPad 2

iPhone Model Prices

1. $350- Apple iPhone 4 32GB
2. $300- Apple iPhone 4 16GB
3. $250- Apple iPhone 3G S 32GB
4. $200- Apple iPhone 3G S 16GB

Blackberry Model Prices

1. $350-BlackBerry Torch 9800
2. $300-Blackberry Storm 9550
3. $270-Blackberry Bold 9700
4. $250-Blackberry Bold 9000

Nokia Model Prices

1. $300-Nokia N8 8GB
2. $270-Nokia N97 mini
3. $250-Nokia N97 32B
4. $250-Nokia X3 Touch and Type
5. $200-Nokia X3

Buy 2 units and get 1 unit FREE.
Buy 5 units and get 2 unit FREE including shipping.

NOTE: These phones is 100% UNLOCKED and can be used with any SIM card. No activation required (check carrier frequency requirements) Insert Your SIM CARD and start using the phone.

Shipping Method: FedEx / DHL UPS

Delivery Time : 2-3 days Delivery { Home Delivery Service }

Please contact us for more information and purchase inquiries:

Mr: Shabir Ahmad Wani


SKYPE: gsm_market1

Do place your order in the below manner....

Full Name:.
Shipping Address:.
Model of your unit order:.
Quantity(How many unit do you want to buy)

Best Regards
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  • Location: Atlanta, GA
  • Posted: 3604 days ago

Ad ID: 22401
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