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Buy Quality (A) Grade Super Red Arowanas and Many others Arowanas fishes at Auction price now

We have all variates of arowana fishes like super Red, Red Asian Arowana, jardiniere Arowana, Chili Red, Golden Arowana and others. We supply best quality live Asian Arowana / Scleroses Formosus, from size 15 cm & up. Each equipped with chip & certificate to comply with CITES. We deliver live Arowana by air cargo or by FedEx Guarantee, so we can deliver to almost anywhere in the world. Re-sellers are welcomed to inquire. these fish have a life span in excess of 20 years, and are a beautiful investment for the perfect tank. auspicious and symbolizes strength, prosperity, luck and wealth Renown across Asia for their symbol of wealth, email us for more information and pictures Please do contact us alongside your cell phone number so that we can give you a call or text you for fast response.
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Best regard.
Jason Lieu
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  • Location: Indianapolis, IN
  • Posted: 3413 days ago

Ad ID: 564048
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