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Buy Ranch Parcel, Hunt Whole 50 Sq Mile Ranch
$9 950.00For Sale - - Hunting property on the 32,000 acre Gunsight Hunting Ranch. Buy a parcel in the ranch and you automatically receive rights to hunt the entire ranch. This is a huge area that covers 50 square miles. This is the cheapest hunting rights in Texas. Plus you will own the property and hunting rights forever and you can pass it on to your kids.
Financing - - With 20% down we will finance the balance for you.
The ranch is about 70 miles east of El Paso in Hudspeth County, and is located about 15 miles north of the town of Sierra Blanca and Interstate 10. The road to the ranch is off of FM 1111.
You will never need to buy a deer lease or hunting lease again.
There are good Mule Deer populations in this area and they take some big deer each year on the ranch. There are lots of Javelina plus occasional Mountain Lion, Aoudad Big Horn Sheep, and Oryx. The exotics can be taken with no special license and can be hunted 365 days a year.
You can camp here, set an RV, build a cabin, set up feeders, etc. You can use the property year round. The ranch is also a great place to go horseback riding. The ranch is entirely fenced around its perimeter. There are several dirt roads running through the ranch as well as several trails. The terrain varies from light to heavy rolling ground to slightly mountainous with some canyons in the southern portion. It is covered in thick native grasses and sage with some cacti and medium brush. There are scattered watering holes. There are incredible views everywhere you look!
This ranch is not over crowded. Here are a few important points to consider. Keep in mind this is a huge ranch that covers 50 square miles. The vast majority of the owners (80% of them) are out of state or out of country owners, and never visit or hunt on their properties. And only a portion of the in-state owners hunt on their properties. The local game warden has personally told me there are probably 100 or so hunters on the ranch during the opening weekend of deer season. Doing the math, that equals 1 hunter per every 320 acres. After the opening weekend, he says the number of hunters drastically drops for the remainder of the season. He also told me that quite a few of the hunters will hunt by driving up and down the few roads that are there. Now I don't really consider that hunting, but that does mean that there are even fewer hunters out in the bush hunting the real way that hunting was meant to be done. If you want to drive around hunting from your pickup, then maybe this isn't for you. But if you're looking for a real place to hunt and you are tired of spending all of your money buying leases, then maybe this is what you've been looking for.
The ranch is basically divided into 12 parcels per square mile, with each parcel being approx 53.24 Acres. On the ranch we have some of these 53.24 Acre Properties available for $19,900 each - these allow 4 hunters on the ranch at a time. With a $4,000 down payment, the balance can be financed up to 7 years with a monthly payment of around $255 or less.
We are willing to split some of these parcels in half creating a few 26.62 acre properties - these are available for $9,950 each and they allow 2 hunters on the ranch at a time. With a $2,000 down payment, the balance can be financed up to 5 years with a monthly payment of around $165 or less.
You can buy this land for less than $375 per acre and you will own it and can hunt on it - forever.
We do not run any credit checks. We use a land contract and the interest rate on the unpaid balance would be calculated at 9%. We would immediately send you the hunting rights paperwork to carry while hunting. You can place a larger down payment amount if you like, and you can always pay more or all at any time as there are no prepayment penalties. Upon final payment we will transfer ownership to you with a warranty deed, and we will cover all transfer costs. The property taxes are about $75 per year (per 26.62 acres), and you would be responsible for these. This is much cheaper than paying for a deer lease or a hunting lease every time you want to go hunting.
I can email you a very detailed plat map of the entire ranch. This plat map has the GPS info for each section corner, and you can enter this GPS info on Google Earth, which will allow you to look right at the ranch from above.
NOTE: Please call me, my name is Mike and my phone number is 724-353-9131.
Respond to this ad- Location: El Paso, TX
- Posted: 3663 days ago
Ad ID: 3206102
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