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Career Forward Professional Writing Service
Phone: 240-394-9690
CAREER FORWARD PACKAGE- 3 Day Resume and Career Building Service
$100- Promo Code RT1
This service is available on a first come, first serve basis and is limited to 3 clients per week. Below is a breakdown of what this service entails.
Day 1 - You send me your current resume and cover letter, if applicable. We schedule a phone meeting where we introduce ourselves and discuss your career goals and aspirations. I ask you some questions, including questions that may arise at interviews based on your resume. I start the process of recreating your resume and cover letter.
Day 2 - I send you your newly created resume and cover letter. We make necessary edits to match your skill set. You will undergo a mock phone interview to help you communicate effectively. I give you pointers and advice on how to answer certain questions. I submit your resume and cover letter on your behalf to 10 employers, including changing the language of your cover letter to address and cater to the position.
Day 3 - I answer all of your questions about the nuances of career searching and the interview process. We go over everything from day 2 to assure that you are all set. I give you my overall professional opinion about your progress. I become available to you for career advice 30 days after completion.
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