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Caregiving as Holy work


Caregiving as Holy work
Functioning From A New Paradigm Of Spiritual Identity And Spiritual Astuteness
Authored by Maureen Uche

I sit with, empathize with, and sometimes cry with persons that I minister to because the Spirit of God gives me some understanding. I understand that there are times that sicknesses must come, ailments must come, but there is a God that is greater than all of these. The spirit of God causes me to volunteer myself as a liaison for staff and patients in the hospital and even at times, I become an intermediary between patients and the needs they are able to get. Pulling on aspects of liberation theology, my theology affirms that God takes sides. God is always on the side of the sick the poor and lowly. I can Imagine that if God were to choose sides, I know he will choose to be on the side of those whose life has been devalued and dehumanized. God will choose sides with the sick, the lonely, the oppressed, the downtrodden, and the victims of exploitation and oppression. Therefore, I listen to people's pain and suffering.
--Pg 30

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