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Cognos Online Training
Master The Art Of Handling Business Intelligence Software With Cognos Online Training
Cognos is software that is used for Performance Management and Business Intelligence. This software was first introduced by an Ontario-based company named Ottawa in the year 1969. But the company was acquired later acquired by IBM in the year 2008. Presently the updated version of the software referred to as Cognos 10 is used by the professionals. This software makes access of business information easy. The architecture of this software helps the users to extract the required data, analyze them and also assemble reports regarding the same without having much technical knowledge. The main aim of this BI software is to cater appropriate information in the right time.
Content of the course
The Cognos Online training caters the expertise that is required by professionals to enhance the utility of the software. With appropriate training professionals can accelerate the success of the business with appropriate BI solutions. As part of this training, a wide range of courses is catered that suits the applications of the professionals. The format of this online training is a flexible one with the help of virtual classes. The topics covered in this training can be tailored as per the need of the professionals. Content of the training includes an introduction to the BI, Cognos Connections, Analysis Studio, Framework Manager and Report studio.
Benefit of this training
This training can prove to be advantageous to the professionals in a number of ways. It provides the IT professionals with the BI expertise that helps them in undertaking a number of activities as query, analysis and dash boarding. This software is flexible and the users can share and modify the BI content with the help of this software. With this training, the professionals can identify the issues that affect the performance and take necessary steps to rectify those. It also helps the professionals to take smarter actions that enhance the performance of the business. For the growing organizations, this training helps the professional to meet the different requirements of the organization.
The best training available
You can avail this training from A2Z online training institute and be assured that you will be provided with that latest information regarding this BI software. Apart from this there are also other attributes that make this training the best and these are
• The training institute has rich experience of imparting this training.
• The trainers are experienced and have worked in this field for a long time.
• Schedule of this training is flexible in nature.
• Being online these classes are catered through the video conferencing facilities. The resources that are provided to the participants are based on updated information.
• Students have the scope of gaining practical knowledge regarding the use of the same in the professional world.
• Round the clock support is catered t the student.
So, if you want to get an edge regarding the use of this software then enroll to this training program immediately.
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