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Cosmetic Fillers
Cosmetic Fillers - Prevelle, Perlane, Restylane and Juvederm are hyaluronic acid fillers used to plump wrinkles throughout the face, including the nasolabial folds (the lines that run diagonally from the nose to the mouth) , the cheeks and the wrinkles around the lips and around the eyes. These fillers are composed of a laboratory-created protein called hyaluronic acid, similar to the natural hyaluronic acid in your skin that contributes to youthful skin's volume and fullness. The lab-created hyaluronic acid in these products has been modified slightly to last longer than your own hyaluronic acid. The differences in the products have largely to do with how long they last. mixed with a bit of Lidocaine to minimize discomfort during the injection. ® Ultra PlusPrevelle is pre-mixed with a small amount of Lidocaine to diminish the discomfort of the injection. The substance is quite uniform so the injections are very smooth. Because it already contains an anesthetic agent, there is very little discomfort or bruising, making it truly possible to "inject today to look great tonight". It lasts approximately 3-4 months.
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