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Dazzle was removed from a high kill shelter by me. I told them she could stay two weeks and they were to help get her a home. That did not happen.. Dazzle is in need of a special home... Why? She seems to be waiting for her owner to come for her. Dazzle did not know how (or would not)to get a bath, walk through the door or walk on a leash. She does these things now. She loves all dogs and plays well with them. I do not know about cats. Dazzle is VERY closed down when around strangers and in new environments. So if you want a dog to come greet you at the door, Dazzle is not for you. She will given time and the right training. Dazzle likes to sleep in her kennel or a large dog bed. In the house, she will not even go around to see the other rooms. She just sits or lays down. NOW... I have other dogs that she is learning from them to play in the house and walk around in other rooms. My other dogs do not do much of that if I am not doing it they stay on my heels, LOL.

Dazzle..FM NOT spayed.. You will have to have her spayed with in thirty days of taking her in.

about two years old.. POINTER or pointer mix
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  • Location: Glendale, AZ
  • Posted: 3438 days ago

Ad ID: 2283498
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