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English Bulldog Puppy

Pearl and Diesel are the proud parents of a gorgeous litter of baby bullies that were born on April 1st, 2013...4 females and 3 males. "Tucker" is the only male still available.

We are a small in-home breeder of high quality English Bulldog puppies. Our adult female English Bulldogs are our beloved pets that we breed responsibly to better the breed and to provide many new families the joy of owning a healthy bulldog puppy.

Our girls are all artificially inseminated and are given the best prenatal care with the end result being healthy, quality puppies that are nurtured 24/7 until leaving us for their forever homes. Our puppies are fed an All Natural Holistic food when weaned from their mothers' and are kept exclusively in our home and are raised underfoot in our bulldog nurseries. We spare no expense in raising our puppies and it definitely shows in their appearance with their beautiful, wrinkly faces and chubby, little bodies. All of our puppies are very social babies that will melt your heart with their friendly dispositions and stub tails wagging.
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  • Location: Brenham, TX
  • Posted: 3530 days ago

Ad ID: 3215935
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