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Feather Kit includes 2 Crimp Beads (1 dark & 1 light) Includes Crystal Wire Wand for easy hair application


Feather Kit includes 2 Crimp Beads (1 dark & 1 light) Includes Crystal Wire Wand for easy hair application

* Feather Extensions can be washed, curled, or blown dry.
* Feather Kit includes 2 Crimp Beads (1 dark & 1 light)
* Includes Crystal Wire Wand for easy hair application
* Professional Salon Grade Feather Hair Extensions

One pack contains 50 feathers and contains a mixture of 27 different colors.
Delivery time is 60 hours to your location from the day of putting the
order. We use delivery agencies like UPS FEDEX DHL for our deliveries

Colors & sizes available: -Real Grizzly Rooster Feathers

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  • Location: North Charleston, SC
  • Posted: 3496 days ago

Ad ID: 298060