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Features of Cardiac Surgeons India
Indian Health Guru has taken Medical Treatment India to the next level. The company is regarded as one of the premiere health and tour consultants in the country. In the recent past the company has seen an increase in the number of cardiac patients in the country and the Cardiac Surgeons India has an important role in this regard. Most of them have their educational and experience skills sets undergone from the advanced countries of the world. So from the perspective of international patients they get the facilities at par with the international standards. So they can relax and enjoy the best in terms of medical experience.
Please contact us for information :
Email: contact@indianhealthguru.com
Contact Phone: +91-9371136499
International Caller: +91-9371136499, +91- 9860755000
USA Caller : + 1-415-599-2537
UK Caller : +44-20-8133-2571 (UK)
NIGERIA CALLERS : +234-17101094
Web Site : http://www.indianhealthguru.com/
Book Your Queries at : http://www.indianhealthguru.com/contact-health-guru-india.htm
Visit Here : http://www.indianhealthguru.com/cardiac-best-surgeons-top-hospitals-surgery-India.html
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