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Fertile parrot eggs and parrot birds for sale.Christmas offer:

Fertile parrot eggs and parrot birds for sale.Christmas offer:
We are offering freshly laid and fertile parrot egg species from weaned Aviary at affordable prices. 100% candle tested fertility for hatching gorgeous & healthy chicks. We are selling to persons interested in breeding and hand rearing up their own birds from egg stage. We assist clients with successfully articles & techniques. Available egg species are as follows:

Hyacinth Macaw, Sollomons Island Eclectus, Congo African Grey, Timneh Grey, Umbrella Cockatoo, Palm Cockatoo, Goffin Cockatoo, Gallah Cockatoo, Blue and Gold Macaw, Scarlet Macaw, Greenwing Macaw, Dyh Amazon, Toco Toucan, Cockatiel, and Conures eggs.

Affiliated to the above eggs are chicks and few parrots for sale too. Email( We incubate eggs during shipment at standard temperatures, will replace eggs in case of any adverse situations during delivery.
make your Christmas and the coming new year wonderful by aquiring a parrot birds or eggs for your family,
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  • Location: Apple Valley, CA
  • Posted: 3395 days ago

Ad ID: 9293
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