Avoid scams by dealing locally! Always exchange items and money in person and Never pay in advance. More info

For Sale: Apple Iphone 4 32GB,Apple iPad 2 32GB wifi+3G,Samsung Galaxy Tab,Nikon D90,Canon EOS 5D Mark II,Nikon D700,Segway X2 G


For Sale: Apple Iphone 4 32GB,Apple iPad 2 32GB wifi+3G,Samsung Galaxy Tab,Nikon D90,Canon EOS 5D Mark II,Nikon D700,Segway X2 Golf

Promotional offer: Buy 2 units of any brand and get 1 free, buy 5 get 2

free phones, phones and buy 10 get 4 free, plus free delivery to your


Contact Information.
Contact Name: Mr. Alejandro Rodrigo (the salesman)
Skype: iphonesunique

APPLE IPHONE 4g 32GB HD......$350USD

APPLE IPHONE 4g 16GB HD......$250USD

Apple iPad 2 32GB with Wi-Fi 3g $350USD

Apple iPad 2 64GB with Wi-Fi 3g $500USD

Samsung Galaxy Tab......$350USD

Blackberry Bold 9780 $280
BlackBerry PlayBook 32GB $400
Blackberry Bold 9900 Torch $350

Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR Camera with Canon EF 24-105mm IS

lens $1400

Nikon D90 Digital SLR Camera with lens cost $600

Nikon D700 Digital SLR Camera with lens cost $900

Nikon D3X Digital SLR Camera with lens cost $1100

Nikon D3S Digital SLR Camera with lens cost $900
Segway x2 $2000
Segway X2 Golf $2500

Nikon D300s 12MP DSLR Camera... $950usd
Nikon D3X FX 24MP DSLR Camera ...$2500usd
Nikon D3 12.1MP DSLR Camera....$1500usd
Nikon D90 12MP DSLR Camera.....$550usd
Nikon D700 12MP DSLR Camera....$1000usd
Canon EOS 500D 15MP DSLR Camera..$500usd
Canon EOS 5D Mark II 21MP DSLR Camera..:$1500usd

Nikon D700 12MP DSLR Camera....$1000usd
Brand New Nikon D40 : 320USD
Brand New Nikon D40x : 399 USD
Brand New Nikon D60 ; 400 USD
Brand New Nikon D80 : 450 USD
Brand New Nikon D90 : 420 USD
Brand New Nikon D200 : 350 USD
Brand New Nikon D300 : 900 USD
Nikon D3 12.1MP DSLR Camera....$1500usd
Brand New Nikon D3X DSLR : 1500USD

Brand New Canon 1000D: 650USD
Brand New Canon XH A1 : 800USD
Brand New Canon 40D : 490USD
Brand New Canon 400D : 400 USD
Brand New Canon 50D : 600 USD
Brand New Canon 450D : 500 USD

Nikon 10.5 mm DX f/2.8 G IF-ED AF Lens : $250usd
Nikon 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor Close-up Lens :


Nikon 12-24 mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor Lens : $510usd
Nikon 17-55 mm f/2.8 G IF-ED AF-S DX Zoom Lens-Nikkor : $550usd

Nikon 70-200 mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Lens : $700usd
Nikon 200-400 mm f/4G VR IF-ED AF Zoom Lens : $3,210usd

Nikon 24-120 mmf/3.5-5.6G AF-S VR IF-ED Nikkor Lens : $250usd
Nikon 24-85 mm f/2.8-4.0 D Internal Focus Autofocus Lens : $230usd

Nikon 28-70 mm f/2.8 ED-IF AF-S Zoom-Nikkor : $700usd
Nikon 24-70mm f. 2.8 Nikkor Lens :$1,100usd

Nikon 300 mm f/2.8D ED-IF II AF-S Lens : $2,050usd
Nikon 300 mm f/4 ED-IF Auto Focus Silent Wave Nikkor Lens : $600usd

Nikon 45 mm F/2.8 Manual Focus Nikkor Lens : $319.96usd
Nikon 50 mm f/1.4D AF Lens : $110usd

Nikon 50 mm f/1.8D Nikkor AF Lens : $400usd

If you are interested, forward your questions and requests To us via e-

mail,Your order and shipping details. we give 1 year warranty for Every


Sold to our customers, our product are company class 1 Tested and


By global standard organization of wireless industry, new Merchandise with

Complete accessories

Contact Information.
Contact Name: Mr. Alejandro Rodrigo (the salesman)
Skype: iphonesunique
 Respond to this ad

  • Location: Garner, NC
  • Posted: 3533 days ago

Ad ID: 195795
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