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For Sale: Brand New Unlocked Apple Iphone 4 white and black colour & BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900

We Ship with these courier services FEDEX, DHL,Order delivery to Assian Countries,USA,Canada,Mexico,North American Countries and most part of the world is within 3 working days.

We offer doorstep delivery services to our clients the world over.

Apple products:
Apple iphone 4G 32GB (Black)==$450usd
Apple iphone 4G 16GB (Black)==$400Usd
Apple iphone 4G 32GB (white)==$600Usd
Apple iphone 4G 16GB (white)==$550Usd
Apple iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G 64GB==$600Usd
Apple iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G 34GB==$550Usd
Apple iPad 64gb===============$400usd
Apple iPad 32gb===============$350usd
Apple iPhone 3Gs 32Gb=========$350usd
Apple iPhone 3Gs 16Gb=========$300usd
Apple iPhone 3G 8GB===========$200usd

BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900==$400USD
Blackberry Torch 2 9810=====$450USD
BlackBerry Torch 9800=======$350USD
Blackberry Style 9670 Flip==$350USDS
Blackberry Bold 9930========$300USD
Blackberry Curve 8900=======$250USD
Blackberry Storm 9500=======$200USD
Blackberry Bold 9000========$300USD

Warranty & Return Policy
- Our products are covered by a 1 year Warranty
- All defective products must be reported within 6 month after you receive your order
- Buyer is responsible to return the defective product back to us and we will repair it or exchange it accordingly.

For inquiries and our full price list do contact us via skype or you can send us an email:

Skype: ali.mohammad270
Tel: +447024045259

Thanks very much for your patronage and God bless you as you buy any of our product.

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  • Location: Brighton, CO
  • Posted: 3492 days ago

Ad ID: 309944
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