Avoid scams by dealing locally! Always exchange items and money in person and Never pay in advance. More info
For sale:Apple Iphone 4G 32Gb,Nikon D3x,Apple Ipad Tablet 64Gb,Nokia N900,Black Berry Bold 2
Apple Iphone 4g 32Gb.......$500usd
Apple Ipad Tablet 64Gb........$400
Apple Iphone 3GS 32gb.........$300
Apple iPhone 16GB......... $250
Apple iPhone 8GB......... $200
Sony Ericson Satio/Idou $400Usd
Nokia N900 32Gb $400Usd
Nokia N97 32Gb $400Usd
Pentax K-7 14.6MP DSLR Camera $1000usd
Canon EOS 7D 18MP Digital SLR Camera $1000
Canon EOS 5D Mark II 21MP DSLR Camera $1500usd
Nikon D700 - Nikon AF-S VR 24-120mm lens $1,000
Nikon D300 SLR Digital Camera $800
Nikon 12-24mm f4G ED-IF AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor For DigitalCameras $400
Nikon 25594 Coolpix S600 10.0 Mpix 4x Digital Camera $350
Nikon D90 Digital camera - SLR with Live View mode, movie ...$500
Nikon D60 Digital camera - SLR - 10.2 $400
Nikon D5000 Digital camera - SLR with Live View mode, movie ...$400
Nikon D300S Digital camera - SLR with Live $1,000
Nikon D3X Digital camera - SLR with Live View mode - 24.5 Megapixel$2500
Nikon D3 Digital camera - SLR with Live View mode - 12.1 Megapixel$2500
Nikon D200 Digital camera - SLR - 10.2 Megapixel - 3.8 x optical zoom $800
Nikon D2X Digital camera - SLR - 12.4 Megapixel$1000
Nikon D40x Digital camera - SLR - 10.2 Megapixel - 7.5 x optical zoom $500
Nikon D2H Digital camera - SLR - 4.1 Megapixel$1500
Nikon D200 Digital camera - SLR - 10.2 Megapixel - 7.5 x optical zoom $800
Nikon D50 Digital camera - SLR - 6.1 Megapixel - 3 x optical zoom $700
Nikon D70s Digital camera - SLR - 6.1 Megapixel - 3.6 x, 3.8 x ...$1000
Package Content
1 Nikon D700 DSLR Camera
1 NIKON 55-200mm f/4-5.6G ED AF-S DX Zoom Lens
1 EN-EL3e Battery Pack
1 MH-18a Battery Charger
1 UC-E4 Data Cable (USB)
1 EG-D100 AV Cable
1 AN-D700 Strap
1 LCD Protect Cover
Respond to this ad- Location: Maitland, FL
- Posted: 3539 days ago
Ad ID: 3245
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