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For Sale Brand New Apple Iphone 4g 32gb 400usd


Welcome To Bendict Store,we are a new store in United State Of America,we have all kind of mobile,look below and see how store phone list below.

We are on Bonanza any purchaser that buy 3 phones will get 1 for free.

Iphone product:
Apple Iphone 4G 64GB..............$400usd
Apple Iphone 3G S 32GB...........$300usd
Apple Iphone 3G 16GB ............$290usd
Apple Iphone 3G 8GB...............$280usd
Apple iPhone 16GB.................$250usd
Apple iPhone 8GB..................$230usd
Apple iPhone 4GB................. $200usd

Nokia product:
Nokia N900........................$300usd
Nokia N97 32gb....................$280usd
Nokia N96 16gb....................$275usd
Nokia N95 8gb.....................$270usd
Nokia 5320 XpressMusic…...........$250usd
Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte............$220usd
Nokia 7100 Supernova..............$200usd
Nokia 5220 XpressMusic…...........$250usd

Black Berry Products:
BLACKBERRY BOLD 9700 .............$300usd
BlackBerry Storm 9530.............$300usd
BlackBerry Curve 8320.............$280usd
BlackBerry Storm 9500.............$250usd
BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220........$290usd
BlackBerry Bold 9000..............$280usd
BlackBerry Pearl 8110.............$250usd

quieter Xbox 360..................$300Uusd
Playstation 3 160g................$250usd

Interested buyer should contact us thorugh email:

Contact Details:
SKYPE: electronicstoreltd23
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  • Location: Azusa, CA
  • Posted: 3428 days ago

Ad ID: 6593
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