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Contact Name: HAMZAT ALI
Registered No.07285306
Contact Number: +60186629525

HAMZATALIMOBILE LIMITED is a new kind of shopping comparison Store that offers the most comprehensive shopping experience on the web. Our shopping experts have drawn on their industry experience and insider connections to bring you the best collection of the stores you can't live without, and the brands and products you love – all in one place.

90 Days Money Back Guarantee
Lightning Fast Shipping
Full Manufacturer Direct Warranty
Brand new and factory fresh merchandise
Thousands of satisfied customers
We offer reasonable discount on bulk purchases
We ship same day after confirmation of payment.

Promo Offer
Buy 2 get 1 free
Buy 5 get 2 Free
Buy 10 get 4 Free

We Ship Via FedEx Express/ UPS/TNT AIS Express and DHL Courier Companies and the estimated time for delivery is 72hours, Door Step Delivery.

All our mobile phones are 100% unlocked and can be use in any country

Our products are listed Below.

Apple phones

Apple Iphone 4 32Gb $400
Apple Iphone 4 16Gb $ 350
Apple Iphone 3gs 32gb ----$350
Apple Iphone 3gs 16gb----------$300
Apple Iphone 3g 16gb -----------------$250
Apple Iphone 3g 8gb --------------$200
Apple Iphone 2g 4gb------------------$170

Apple iPad 3G Wi-Fi 16GB --- $250
Apple iPad 3G Wi-Fi 32GB --- $300
Apple iPad 3G Wi-Fi 64GB --- $400

T-Mobile phones

T-Mobile Tap------$230
T-Mobile Pulse ----------------------$230
T-Mobile G2 Touch--------------$210
T-Mobile myTouch 3G---------$220
T-Mobile MDA Vario V------------$200
T-Mobile MDA Compact V----------$190
T-Mobile Sidekick LX 2009-------$185
T-Mobile MDA Vario IV----------$150
T-Mobile Wing-----------$130
T-Mobile Vairy Touch-----------$130

Nokia Phones

5330 Mobile TV Edition----$260
6700 slide---------$255
2710 Navigation Edition----$300
Nokia N96 3g 16gb ----$225
Nokia N973g 32gb Mini------$255
Nokia X6 ------$230
Nokia N95 3g -----$190
Nokia X3-------$215
Nokia N900---------$240
Nokia 5230-------$230
Nokia 3208c---------$250
Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition-----$190
Nokia Mural-------$220
Nokia 6760 Slide----$175
Nokia 6790 Surge-----$185
Nokia 3720 Classic -----$190
Nokia 5530 Xpress Music----$200
Nokia E72-----$230
Nokia E71 ------$220
Nokia E63-----$195
Nokia E66-----$210
Nokia 7210 Supernova----$195
Nokia 2330 classic----$180
Nokia N8--------------- $ 200

Samsung Phones

S5150 Diva folder-----$250
S7070 Diva-----$270
M5650 Lindy-----$330
Samsung i9000 Galaxy S 8G------------- $350
Samsung B7320 OmniaPRO----------$325
Samsung B7300 OmniaLITE -- ----- ---$300
Samsung M2710 Beat Twist---------$315
Samsung A177--------$230
Samsung Galaxy 17500 -------- ---$250
Samsung A257 Magnet-----$280
Samsung T929 Memoir-----$310
Samsung i8910 Omnia HD-----$290
Samsung I8000 Omnia II----$275
Samsung A867 Eternity----$260
Samsung B2100 Xplorer----$240
Samsung S3650 Corby-----$235
Samsung B3310-----$200
Samsung C3212----$195
Samsung A887 Solstice------$215
Samsung T559 Comeback-----$245
Samsung T469 Gravity 2-----$260
Samsung T749 Highlight----$210
Samsung S5600v Blade-----$220
Samsung B7610 OmniaPRO-----$240
Samsung I8000 Omnia II------$265

BlackBerry phones

Storm2 9520-----$290
Storm2 9550-----------$250
Bold 9700----------$300
BlackBerry 9650---------- $ 350
BlackBerry Curve 8520----$250
BlackBerry Tour 9630----$325
BlackBerry Curve 8900----$275
BlackBerry Storm 9530----$245
BlackBerry Bold 9000----$190
BlackBerry Curve 8320----$175
BlackBerry 8830 World Edition-----$50
BlackBerry Curve 8300----$155
BlackBerry 8707v----$160
BlackBerry Storm 9530---$195
BlackBerry 7730------$155
Blackberry Bold 9700…… $ 250
Blackberry Torch 9800--- $300
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  • Location: Avon, CT
  • Posted: 3600 days ago

Ad ID: 23573
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