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Free financial modeling course
This post goes beyond the usual gibberish and explore practical Financial Modeling as used by Investment Bankers and Research Analysts. In this Free Online Financial Modeling Training Course, I will take an example of Colgate Palmolive and will prepare a full integrated financial model from scratch.Financial modeling is the task of building an abstract representation (a model) of a real world financial situation. This is a mathematical model designed to represent (a simplified version of) the performance of a financial asset or portfolio of a business, project, or any other investment. Financial modeling is a general term that means different things to different users; the reference usually relates either to accounting and corporate finance applications, or to quantitative finance applications.
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Similar ads:The tutorials have been designed in such a manner that it would help you build a step-by-step advanced financial model‚ Concept of circularity‚ Understand the Key Linkages of ...