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Fs : Apple iPhone 4G 32Gb $340 Apple iPhone 4G 64GB $400 Nokia N8 $300


Dear customer,

We deal all kinds of mobile phone , camera , Plasma and Lcd Tv include laptop and many more electronics and we deliver to your doorstep.

Buy 2 get 1 free

Nikon D90 $600
Brand New Nikon D700 $1000
Nikon D300 $800

Sony Playstation 3 80Gb $200
Sony Playstation 3 60Gb $160
Xbox 360 $270
Sony Psp $70

Genuine Apple iPad :

Apple iPad 3G 16GB - $300USD
Apple iPad 3G 32GB - $350USD
Apple iPad 3G 64GB - $400USD

Apple iPhone 4G 32Gb $340
Apple iPhone 4G 64GB $400
Nokia N8 $300
Apple iPhone 3G s 32Gb $280
Nokia N97 32Gb $280
Blackberry Bold $270
Sony Ericsson Satio $300

For more information and more price list conact me at :
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  • Location: Bristol, CT
  • Posted: 3546 days ago

Ad ID: 3018
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