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Golden Oldies Spring Dance Party at the Massapequa Elks Lodge


Mickey B, the prince of rock and roll is hosting this event, at the Elks Lodge of Massapequa, on Saturday night - 4 hours of dancing, plus a hot buffet. Live music by Time Was and Cathy, Steve Mitchell as Elvis, and The Fireflies is something to make this an extravagant evening to remember for less than the price of a Broadway show. Plus, everyone gets the good seats! Remember, Mickey B Events - where everyone is treated like royalty.

Refreshments include five entrees, coffee and dessert at this nostalgic rock-n-roll golden oldies dinner dance. The featured performers for the March 30th appearance are: Time Was with Cathy from Piece of the Rock, The Fireflies, and Steve Mitchell's Elvis tribute -- live entertainment -- Spring Golden Oldies Dance Party, aMickey B event.
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