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Gorgeous Teacup maltese Puppies for A Good Home

Hello there, i am sorry that i could not reply to your mails as early as it should have been , just that i am too tight with work as i told you, I promise to give to you the best and take my words very serious o.k.

The reason why i am giving to you my puppy is because i just moved in here about two weeks back and here i realized that my apartment does not allow the keeping of pets so am forced to give her out and am very angry to do so but i have no choice but to do so. And i am too busy with work in such away that i can no longer take good care of her,so i decided to give her to a new and good home that will really give to her the care that she deserves and please i will like that you promise me that you are really going to make kelly fell comfortable as before.It is going to cost you $200 to have kelly delivered over to your home.

My priority is for you to have kelly in your home where she will be loved and spoiled with the attention that she deserve,so I will want you to promise me of a monthly update and pics,so I know how she will be doing in her new family.

So i will be waiting to read from you as soon as you get this email.
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  • Location: South Valley, NM
  • Posted: 3461 days ago

Ad ID: 2107263
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