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Grade A super red arowana fishes and others available for sale

We supply only pure breeds for fair prices.
The Chilli Red Arowana is from the same origin as the Super Red. It is characterised by a more pronounced spooning of the heat before the back and generally a strong yellow base colour contrasts the deep Red of the outer scale. 16 inches

Our Arowana fishes available includes:

Super Red----------------
Asian? Red ---------------
Red Dragon--------------
Chili Red---------------
Golden ------------------
Red tail golden(RTG)-----
Malaysian Red------------

Golden x back-----------

Green and blue-----------



"For Overseas Importers and Traders, we assured you of authenticity and quality in our fishes coupled with trustworthy and prompt services always."

Exceptional Quality Control including selecting the best from our farm possible for each variety
Choose from stock, or import the specific fish you want
Send us a picture and we will match the fish and quote you a price
An unlimited range of varieties and species available directly to your door
All our fish are fully certified and licensed for sale
Show class fish and Rare varieties
An open honest service providing you with the facts and best prices possible
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  • Location: Honolulu, HI
  • Posted: 3379 days ago

Ad ID: 2769403
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