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Graded PRE Stallion Ready For Re-homing

Graded Spanish PRE Stallion. He stands at 15.3hh and should make at least 16hh

and is 4 years old. Professionally and lovingly produced, this horse is graded

and registered both in the UK & in Spain.
He has already proven his quality in only a few outings. At the 2012 breed show

he was national champion 4yr old stallion and also 1)Best British bred 3 year

old at the National Breed Show 2011 2)Reserve National Champion Colt at 2011

National Breed Show 3)Best Spanish Horse at Edenbridge & Oxted County Show

He has been to he first dressage show and behaved perfectly, and has also been

cross country schooling.
Kraken has exceptional manners, he goes in the paddock, hacks out alone and

with others and is easy to travel on a trailer or horsebox.
Video and further pictures available on request.
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  • Location: Newton, KS
  • Posted: 3498 days ago

Ad ID: 1966641
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