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Grizzly Rooster feathers For Hair Extension


Ostrich Feathers,Peacock Feathers, Pheasant Feathers, Turkey Feathers, Chicken Feathers,Duck Feathers and Goose feathers

Welcome, you have just found a Wonderful Source for Hundreds of Beautiful Feathers of all Kinds. Thank you for visiting us .

- Delivery time is 60 hours to your location from the day of putting the order.
We use delivery agencies like UPS FEDEX DHL for our deliveries
6-8 inches $10 usd per pack
9-11 inches $12 usd per pack
11-12inches $14 usd per pack
14-16inches $18 usd per pack
18-20inches $18 usd per pack

Each pack contain 50 feathers

**Buy with confidence! These are the same salon~grade extensions that salons and designers are selling for up to $50!**

Promised by Seller

We do our best to serve our each customer the best that we can.
We will refund you for items returned within 7 days of you receiving them, for any reason. A full refund will be given if items are returned in their original condition.
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  • Location: Bloomington, CA
  • Posted: 3541 days ago

Ad ID: 165639
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