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Hadoop Big Data Online Training Classes-Attend Free Demo
It has been seen many times that anywhere on web when big data is mentioned, the conversation is immediately changed to hadoop.
What is hadoop?
It has map reduce and hadoop file system in its core and it is created to take care of huge data across a huge no of nodes. Hadoop is made for large files, not for a large number of small files. So it wont be useful if you have a great number of 50kb documents.
What is big data?
Big data is that large amount of data that is been rapidly increasing from many sources such as location data, supply chains, operations and social media. This data can be semi structured, unstructured and structured.
Therefore as hadoop is the famous these days, but the vendors which are in the market from a long time are trying to handle big data. Both the things are gradually the need of the hour. So to catch these opportunity you can enrol yourself with our site for big data training and can become an expert in this.
Our special features:
Instructor based face to face live training.
100% Placement Assistance.
24/7 Cloud Test Lab Facility for Testing.
World class proven record.
Upfront system training and recorded sessions.
Practice tests through virtual computing labs.
In-depth training on IT security testing methods.
Exam vouches to test your skills.
Interactive sessions via voice chat and live chat.
Student can re-attend classes any time without extra fee.
On Job Support.
For more details:
Email: trainingandjob@qatestingtrainings.com
Call us: +1 678-899-6841.
Big Data Hadoop Interview Questions and Answers
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