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Healthy Aquarium Arowana fishes available for sale
Dear Buyers,
We are currently on promotion sale and we have the following Arowana fishes available in stock: 24k Golden arowana, Super Red, Red Asian Arowana, Blood Red arowana, jardini Arowana,Chili Red,Golden Arowana and etc. Our Arowana Fishes are an excellent value that we backup with a 100% replacement or money back guarantee! We do shipped Worldwide without any problems being encountered. You can place an order with us and expect delivery within 24hours. We go the extra mile to make sure you have the Fish you need when you need it. They are a beautiful investment for the perfect tank. we have a promotion going on now so the fishes are far cheaper than before . You can place your order with us now because their prices will remain the same after Xmas. Please don't miss this Grade opportunity to own an arowana Fish for yourself now.
Serious buyers should send to us a valid cell phone number for fast and easy conversation.
Respond to this ad- Location: Daphne, AL
- Posted: 3400 days ago
Ad ID: 2936535
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