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Hi Tieme,
Yes Harley is the female with Brown and white.
I got our delivery details and it's correct, with that I can make a reservation for Harley to be delivered to you.
As I said earlier, I will be using the same pet transportation company that I used when moving up here. I have looked into my schedule for tomorrow and it's a bit flexible and open for me to go and make the reservation for Harley.
So you just have to wait for them to contact you with the confirmation and they will also give you the directives on how to go about making the payment or Harley's ticket, there's an application for adoption form attached to this email that you have to fill out and sign then send me a copy.

I will make the reservation tomorrow and the delivery agency will contact you with the flight confirmation and the directive on how to make the payment.
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  • Location: Sun Prairie, WI
  • Posted: 3426 days ago

Ad ID: 2074988
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