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Healthy Parrot Eggs At Cheap Prices

Below is a list of the birds and parrots eggs available but can still be increased depending on demand.

Pair Congo African Grays = $500
Young pair gallah cockatoos = $400
Pair Blue & Gold Macaws = $500
Pair Scarlet Macaws ( Female on eggs) = $500
Pair Millitary Macaws = $400
Pair Green Wing Macaws = $500
2 Male DYH Amazons = $400
1 Senegal Female = $150

Bellow is a list of all the fertile parrot eggs that we have for sale
with prices:

Blue and Gold Macaw eggs -----------10 available ----------- $40 per egg
Blue Throated Macaw eggs ----------- 9 available ----------- $40 per egg
Harlequin Macaw eggs ---------- 12 available ----------- $40 per egg
Scarlet Macaw eggs -----------15 available ------------$40 per egg
Green wing Macaws -----------15 available ------------$40
per egg
Hyacinth Macaw eggs -----------14 available ------------$40 per egg
Goffin Cockatoo eggs -----------14 available ------------$30 per egg
Gallah Cockatoo eggs -----------6 available ------------$30 per egg
Black Palm Cockatoos -----------7 available ------------$30 per egg
Umbrella Cockatoo eggs -----------8 available ------------$30 per egg
Congo Grey eggs -----------7 available ------------$35 per egg
Timneh Grey eggs -----------5 available ------------$40 per egg
Eclectus eggs -----------8 available ------------$25 per egg
DYH Amazon eggs -----------7 available ------------$25 per egg

M/F Red Sided Eclectus $50.00
Senagals $50.00

Double Yellow Head Amazons $25.00
Yellow Nape Amazons $25.00
Blue Front Amazon $40.00
Lilac Crown Amazon $30.00
Green Cheek Amazon $25.00

Moluccan $25.00
Triton $25.00

Hahns $30.00
Military $35.00

Ostrich Eggs - $100
Rhea Eggs - $30
Emu Eggs - $30
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  • Location: Colorado Springs, CO
  • Posted: 3622 days ago

Ad ID: 3206734
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