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Hotel Booking Software
$3 500.00PROVAB TECHNOSOFT, a leading Hotel Booking System development company, provides best in class travel management solutions.
Demo : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tANyy8JQGkw
Project: iBooknow.com
Category: Hotel Booking System
iBookNow.com is a proprietary online hotel booking system for Phuketbooknow.com, a leading travel management company based in Phuket. It offers a wide range of services to our customers, including discounted hotel bookings, car hire and a comprehensive travel guide.
Unlike other travel sites, the prices that it offers include all fees and charges up front. With phuketbooknow.com, what you see is what you get. It always make sure that you are getting the cheapest possible room rates, so there is no need to trawl through dozens of sites to find the best available deal.
iBooknow.com has six hotel xmls integrated as of now, including GTA, HotelBeds, HotelsPro, Tourico, Asian Trials and DOTW. The admin of this hotel booking system has some of the value added features like Rank Parity Report.
Project Deliverables:
Logo Design
Application Architecture Design
GUI Design
XML Integration (GTA, HotelBeds, HotelsPro, Tourico, Asian Trials and DOTW)
Integration & Testing
Development Environment:
Language : PHP
Database : MySQL
Web Server : Apache
GUI : JQuery
Server Scripting : JSON
Architecture : MVC
To know more about us, please visit http://www.provab.com. You can call us at +91.80.40593555 and email us at info@provab.com
Skype: provab
With Regards,
David Mathew
Business Manager
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