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Hydrogel injections kit for sale


We have available a full hydrogel butt augmentation
(injections) kit for sale.

his kit comes along with a user manual which your doctor can follow to administer the vial (Hydrophilic Polyacrylamide) for total enhancement.
Buttocks injections are a great option for anyone looking for more projection on the back end. Most
people think that buttocks implants are their only option to get good projection and a round firm butt.

Well its just not true anymore there are several options like PMMA and Hydrogel for example. Both are safe substances which can be injected by your plastic or aesthetic surgeon. The process takes about 2 hours and wow!,You get the idea.

On Buttocks, this is our subject and we will go into great detail together and explore all your options.
please contact us to reserve your full kit at low and moderate prices.
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  • Location: Camp Verde, AZ
  • Posted: 3636 days ago

Ad ID: 1214868
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