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incredible teacup pomeranian puppies for amazing homes only

At Jennifer's Tiny Paws, I have a CKC reg. parti female pomeranian designer puppy that is waiting for her new family. She was born on July 31, 2012 and is currently 8 weeks old. The mother Hailey, is a 4.5 lb.CKC reg. golden pomeranian and the father Gizmo, is a 5.5 lb. CKC reg. tri-color long hair chihuahua. This precious little girl will come to you wormed, with first set of vaccinations, and in great health. All of my babies are raised within the safety of my home and are very well socialized by my family. They are given the best of care and are nurtured with lots of love and kisses. This precious little girl has a very playful personality and is also so loving. She loves to cuddle and give us kisses.
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  • Location: Agawam, MA
  • Posted: 3394 days ago

Ad ID: 2189034
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